saintwell - Leadership Wellness House

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Lean Into Authenticity to Clarity Your Desires with More Ease

You are worthy of every drop of sweetness and ease that you encounter. - Alex Elle

When you attempt to keep up with fake pretenses, it takes a lot of energy, leading to burnout. Authenticity is the anecdote.

When we’re being our truest, most authentic expression of our being, we don't have to worry about saying the right thing or fitting into expectations of others and society. Instead, we can choose to be ourselves, and this genuine approach naturally resonates with the people who are meant to be in your presence and your space. The right people see you.   

And — being authentic is vulnerable. But it’s only through authenticity that we can build a deep, meaningful life. Without our authenticity, we’re just melding ourselves into what other people want us to be. And living in that way is not sustainable. It can lead to resentment and a life built on such a rocky foundation doesn’t get the opportunity to fully and truly bloom.

The only way we can access our truest and highest potential is by being real with ourselves about who we are and what it is we desire. Your potential is your ability to achieve everything you authentically desire. to these desires and moving to fulfill them will lead you on your authentic journey.

Try listing our everything you desire right now. These can be short-term desires, like desiring a particular meal for dinner to treat yourself. Or long-term desires like buying a home and making it yours.

There’s something about authenticity that attracts what we desire. When we speak our desires out loud (or even just write them down), we get that much closer to realizing them in real life.    

Being authentic is a forever unfolding journey as we evolve. We can give ourselves grace as our ambitions and desires sometimes change over time. What matters is that we’re giving ourselves the space to explore and express our truest self. When we show up in the real world as our most authentic self, we give ourselves a real chance at doing our most meaningful work in this world – whether that’s parenting, caretaking, creative work, etc. 

We’re passionate about helping you achieve well-being and ease in your life. When we shine our unique light and bring our truest offerings to the world, we have the opportunity to create space for others to do the same.

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