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Time Freedom: A Toolkit for Creating Space and Spaciousness in Your Day

Are you ready for a change of pace? To move at a rhythm in alignment with who you are at your core.  

Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of clarity, knowing that you have the time and space to focus on the things that bring you joy — both in your personal life and your business. You no longer have to choose between success and your happiness. You can absolutely, without a doubt have both.

Time Alchemy is a toolkit that includes a mini audio lesson, exercises for identifying time-wasters, templates for automating routine tasks, and journaling prompts to help you define your ideal day.

What’s in the Toolkit:

  • Time Freedom Mini Lesson: a bite-sized audio lessons you can easily fit into your day. The audio course also includes journal prompts and an affirmation.

  • Time-Waster Audit: Explore the 10 most common time-wasters that are secretly stealing your time, and learn simple yet effective strategies to eliminate them from your day.

  • Bonus: Weekly Alignment: A powerful practice to help you review, reflect, and realign your actions with your vision each week, keeping you on track with your intentions and your well-being.

Unlock the secrets to reclaiming your time and living a life filled with more ease—all in just a few minutes a day!


This audio lesson is designed for busy executives and entrepreneurs who are ready to break free from the constant hustle and discover simple yet powerful strategies to streamline their day, delegate effectively, and create more time for what truly matters.

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Time Freedom Mind Audio Lesson


The Time-Waster Audit is a powerful practice designed to help you identify where your time and energy is being drained throughout the day. By recognizing these time-wasters, you can take intentional action to reduce or eliminate them, freeing up more time for what truly matters.

  1. Set Aside Time for the Audit: Dedicate at least 15-30 minutes to an hour of focused, uninterrupted time to complete this audit. The intention of this time is to reflect honestly on your daily routines and habits.

  2. Track Your Time for 3-5 Days: For three consecutive days, track how you spend your time in 15-30-minute increments. Write down everything, from work-related tasks and meetings to personal activities like social media scrolling, coffee breaks, and even distractions. You can use voice notes, a journal or time-tracking app to log your activities throughout the day. (Note: Be as specific and detailed as possible. ex instead of “working,” specify what you were working on (e.g., "responding to emails" or "preparing a report").

  3. Identify the Time-Wasters: After the three-five days, review your time logs. Look for patterns or activities that do not contribute meaningfully to your goals, intentions, or desired lifestyle. Use the list of time-wasters to categorize them. Note: You may even identify additional time-wasters.

  4. Analyze the Impact: For each time-waster identified, ask yourself: How much time did I spend on this activity over the past three days? How does this activity impact my overall productivity and well-being? Does this activity align with my true desires or bring me closer to achieving them?

  5. Create Your Plan to Reduce or Eliminate Time-Wasters:

    • Batching: Group similar tasks (like checking emails or running errands) and handle them during designated time blocks instead of sporadically throughout the day.

    • Boundaries: Limit or eliminate non-essential meetings, meet-ups, say “no” to the things that do not align.

    • Delegation: Identify tasks that you can delegate to others, allowing you to focus on high-impact work.

    • Time-Blocking: Schedule dedicated times for deep work, rest, social media breaks, and personal activities, ensuring your day is structured and focused.

    • Accountability: Consider inviting a friend, family-member, coach or member hold you accountable by having ongoing check-ins.

    • Energy Investing: Consider where you might better invest your time and energy and how this might positively impact other areas of your life - mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically.

  6. Monitor Progress: After making shifts and changes, implement your new routines for at least one week. Continue tracking your time to ensure the time-wasters are being reduced and that you’re reclaiming your time for higher-value tasks and joy-filled activities.

  7. Reflect and Adjust: At the end of the week, review your progress. What worked? What didn’t? Adjust your plan as needed and continue refining until you flow into your new way of being.

The Time-Waster Audit is about gaining clarity on how you’re spending your time so you can make more intentional choices moving forward. With this awareness, you’ll have the power to reclaim your time and design a more joyful, productive day.


1. Constant Checking of Emails and Text Messages

Pathway to Freedom: Implement specific time blocks for checking messages, emails, and text messages (e.g., 9 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM) instead of constantly monitoring your inbox. Turn off email notifications to avoid distractions during focused work time.

2. Unnecessary Meetings

Pathway to Freedom: Audit your meetings. Decline or delegate meetings that don’t require your presence. Use clear agendas to keep meetings short and focused, and encourage alternative forms of communication, like email or quick check-ins, when appropriate.

3. Multitasking

Pathway to Freedom: Focus on one task at a time. Consider the Pomodoro Technique (20-minute work intervals followed by a short break). Prioritize tasks, and set clear intentions for each time block to maintain focus.

4. Perfectionism

Pathway to Freedom: Set clear criteria for when a task is "good enough" and what “done” looks like. Set clear completion dates and consider an accountability partner to review projects.

5. Aimless Social Media Scrolling

Pathway to Freedom: Schedule designated "social media" time in your day if necessary, and install apps or browser extensions like StayFocusd to block social media during work hours. Turn off notifications to limit distractions. You might also consider a social media manager or deleting social media apps.

6. Overcommitting

Pathway to Freedom: Practice saying “no” more often by evaluating your capacity and aligning requests with your goals.

7. Micromanaging

Pathway to Freedom: Practice asking for help. Empower your team, family, and friends by delegating tasks with clear instructions and setting expectations. Trust your community to handle tasks without constant oversight, and schedule regular check-ins instead of hovering.

8. Procrastination

Pathway to Freedom: Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Consider tackling the harder, more complex tasks first. You might also consider delegating tasks.

9. Poor Task Prioritization

Pathway to Freedom: Use the Eisenhower Matrix (urgent/important prioritization) to categorize tasks. Focus on high-impact tasks first, and delegate or eliminate tasks that are less important.

10. Lack of Clear Boundaries

Pathway to Freedom: Set firm working hours and protect personal time by scheduling it just as you would meetings or appointments. Communicate boundaries to family, friends, colleagues, and clients, and stick to them to avoid work creeping into personal time.

Now that you have reviewed the list, check the items that resonate with you - that you may have the opportunity to work on to create more space in your day.


Weekly alignment is designed to help you pause, reflect on the past week, review progress, and realign actions with your life vision. It keeps you grounded, focused, and intentional, ensuring that your well-being and intentions remain at the forefront.

Step 1: Grab needed materials such a timer/stop watch, journal, etc.

Step 2: Create Sacred Space (5 Minutes)

  • Action: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. Light a candle, play calming music, and or sit in a time of stillness to ground yourself in the space.

  • Purpose: This will help shift your mind and body into an energy of reflection and receiving.

Step 3: Reflect on the Week (10 Minutes)

  • Action: Take a few minutes to reflect on the past week. Ask yourself:

    • What were my key accomplishments?

    • What moments brought me joy or satisfaction?

    • Were there any challenges or obstacles I faced?

    • What did I learn this week—about myself, my leadership, or my business?

  • Purpose: Reflection brings awareness to areas of growth and gratitude

Step 4: Review Your Progress (10 Minutes)

  • Action: Review your calendar/to-do list to assess your progress. Ask:

    • Did I make progress on my top priorities?

    • Were my actions aligned with my vision?

    • Are there any items that remain incomplete, and is it okay if they remain incomplete and why?

  • Purpose: Provides clarity on where your time and energy were spent, helping you identify any gaps between your intentions and actions.

Step 5: Realign with Your Vision (10 Minutes)

  • Action: Realign your focus by reconnecting with your larger vision. Ask yourself:

    • What is my overarching vision for my life?

    • How can I realign my actions for the upcoming week to move closer to that vision?

    • Which activities no longer serve me, and what new practices could support my growth?

  • Purpose: Ensures your daily actions stay connected to your deeper purpose and values, fostering intentional leadership.

Step 6: Plan Your Week with Intention (10 Minutes)

  • Action: Outline your key priorities for the upcoming week:

    • What are my top three priorities for the week that will have the most impact?

    • How can I structure my time to focus on these priorities?

    • What boundaries or systems do I need to implement to protect my time and energy?

    • Where will I build in time for joy, relaxation, and care for myself?

  • Purpose: Helps you start the week with clarity and focus, bringing harmony to your time of work and play.

Step 7: Set an Intention or Affirmation (2 Minutes)

  • Action: Close your ritual by setting a clear intention

    • "I will lead with clarity, intention, and ease."

    • "I will create space for both joy and impact in my week."

    • "I align my actions with my vision and give myself grace if I get off track."

  • Purpose: Grounds you in a positive, intentional mindset, guiding your energy and focus for the week.


Add Joy and Well-Being to Your Schedule

After your ritual, look at your calendar for the week and schedule at least one activity that brings you joy and relaxation—whether it’s a lunch with a friend, a creative hobby, time to do nothing, or a self-care practice. Prioritize your well-being just as you would an important meeting.

This weekly alignment ritual will help you stay on track with your goals, keep your actions aligned with your long-term vision, and ensure that you’re fostering harmony between productivity and personal well-being.